本剧引入了“客串主角”的概念,即每季一个女主以外的新主角。第一季的Callum Turner不会回归。 新季将再次质疑眼见是否一定为实。英国正遭受围攻:被黑客攻击的新闻动态推送、被操纵的媒体,以及政治中出现的干涉。在英国「校正」部门站稳脚跟的Rachel Carey高级督察,发现自己正处于一场新的阴谋之中,面临着一个新的目标。可是,当她甚至不能信任自己最亲近的同事时,又要如何解决这起案件呢? 相较第一季的监控问题,情况更加恶化。故事将讲述“隐形”杀手、深度伪造科技的可怕崛起、政府与大型科技公司之间日益紧张的关系,和英国媒体内部核心的腐败。 Holliday Grainger回归饰演女主角Rachel Carey高级督察。Paapa Essiedu(《我可以毁掉你》)饰演新客串男主Isaac Turner议员,一位年轻的后起之秀政客,有志于最高层职位。...
When their mother is hospitalized in a car accident, Pim and Putt suddenly discover that they have a set of grandparents they've never known about. But a terrifying truth has long been hidden within the walls of their grandparents’ house, a truth that gradually reveals itself to Pim and Putt through a mystical hole, unleashing hair-raising horror on their family.
某天深夜,海滨小城的老城区里,发生了一起离奇命案,当地颇有名望的老人关敬堂,惨死在自家别墅之中。刑警队长安平(韩栋 饰)临危受命,省厅高材生尚婕(屈菁菁 饰)主动请缨,二人全力配合,展开了细致入微的调查。然而,随着调查不断深入,各种自相矛盾的疑点层出不穷,再加上不知所踪的巨额现金,似曾相识的红衣女人,殷红如血的花朵图案,以及关家错综复杂的人际关系,使得案情越发扑朔迷离。不仅如此,命案还在接二连三地发生,并且死者都与关敬堂关系匪浅。安平和尚婕顶住巨大压力,从源头查起,翻出了一桩陈年旧案,而安平的师父,同时也是尚婕的父亲,就是因那件案子而死。终于,安平抽丝剥茧,破解悬案,揪出了心理早已扭曲的幕后真凶,将其绳之以法。尚婕也走出阴霾,解开了困扰她多年的心结,决心留下继承父亲遗志,与安平并肩战斗。
When their mother is hospitalized in a car accident, Pim and Putt suddenly discover that they have a set of grandparents they've never known about. But a terrifying truth has long been hidden within the walls of their grandparents’ house, a truth that gradually reveals itself to Pim and Putt through a mystical hole, unleashing hair-raising horror on their family.
麦克(加布里埃尔·巴索 Gabriel Basso 饰)是一名17岁的少年,他被控告谋杀了自己的父亲。所有证据都表明麦克确实犯下了不可饶恕的罪行,行凶的刀上检测到了他的指纹,更糟的是,麦克似乎并无意于为自己发声,从逮捕到临近开庭,他一言未发。 理查德(基努·里维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰)是负责为麦克辩护的律师,法庭上所有的一切都对他的辩护非常不利。然而,理查德的直觉告诉他,麦克并不是杀人凶手,一切的背后定有隐情。于是,他找来了同行珍妮(古古·姆巴塔-劳 Gugu Mbatha-Raw 饰)做帮手,两人决定重新彻查此案,不放过任何的蛛丝马迹。
自从从那场所有犹太人谈之色变的浩劫中幸存下来之后,乔纳森(伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)的祖父就一心想要找到曾经帮助过他的救命恩人,眼看着祖父即将不久于人世,这一艰巨的任务自然落在了乔纳森的肩上。带着祖父给他的旧照片,乔纳森踏上了祖父的获救地——乌克兰的土地,在那里,乔纳森结识了形迹十分可疑的向导亚历克斯(尤金·哈茨 Eugene Hutz 饰)和脾气暴躁到不可思议的倔强老头鲍里斯(乔纳森·萨佛兰·福尔 Jonathan Safran Foer 饰)。
5月06日 第一集 Female Foeticide (主题:印度妇女被迫堕胎)
5月13日 第二集 Child Sexual Abuse (主题:儿童性骚扰)
5月20日 第三集 Big Fat Indian Wedding (主题:巨额的嫁妆)
5月27日 第四集 Every Life Is Precious (主题:医疗失当)
6月03日 第五集 Intolerance To Love (主题:自由恋爱与包办婚姻)
6月10日 第六集 Persons With Disabilities (主题:残障人士)
6月17日 第七集 Domestic Violence (主题:家庭暴力)
6月24日 第八集 Toxic Food (主题:害人的农药)
7月01日 第九集 Alcohol Abuse (主题:酒精毁人生)
7月08日 第十集 Untouchability (主题:种姓制度)
7月15日 第十一集 Old Age (主题:尊重长者)
7月22日 第十二集 Water (主题:水资源)
7月29日 第十三集 The Idea of India (主题:印度的梦想)
阿米尔汗的第一次电视脱口秀节目《真理访谈》。2012年5月6开始,每周日Stra Plus播出。
Ep01:残杀女婴 2012年5月6日
E p02:儿童性侵害 2012年5月13日
Ep03:盛大的印度婚礼 2012年5月20日
很多人都期待一个奢华的婚礼,但是印度的现状是,昂贵的婚礼仪式和沉重的嫁妆负担不仅导致新人生活悲惨,也破坏了父母的家庭。婚礼的概念已经变成一种交易,完全不在乎人或者家庭关系的价值。这是可以改变的,只要女方和他的家人对于嫁妆说不,坚持简单的婚礼仪式,恢复婚姻纽带的神圣性。 本期阿米尔提出的短信问题是,”你认为我国今天的婚事是否已成为商业交易?“
Ep04:医疗制度需要治疗否? 2012年5月27日
Ep05:Is Love a Crime? - 3rd June 2012
The simple act offalling in love opens up a world of emotions and reactions which sometimes culminate in crime -- the death of the couple. Even if they escape death, lovers who go against religious and community barriers still have to face harassment and censure from society and, due to this pressure, rejection from their families.
Ep06:Persons with Disabilities - We Can Fly!
People with disabilities have the same zeal and appreciation for life as the rest of us do. But they often get shunned, doubted, mocked and insulted. Access to public places and buildings is restricted and doors are closed for schooling and employment. India does not appear to be mature enough and understanding enough to recognise people with disabilities for what they are -- people.
Ep07:Domestic Violence -- Danger At Home
For countless women, entering married life often means the beginning of a stressful, violent existence. Beating one's wife seems to be ingrained in many men's mindsets as the appropriate behaviour for a strong male, but the consequences are misery for the wife and children, and often a broken, unhappy home. The concept of domestic violence is based on the notion of patriarchy, which needs to be converted into equality.
Ep08:Toxic Food - Poison On Our Plate?
For decades our food and water have been contaminated by powerful, harmful pesticides which have been promoted as necessary for better agricultural output. But the reality is that we don't need pesticides for better yield, and their use is not only deadly for health but results in expensive farming methods. The solution is to adopt organic farming, which is possible and profitable, as the state of Sikkim has shown.
Ep09:Alcohol Abuse - Think Before You Drink
Alcohol consumption is associated with having fun and enjoying life. But excessive, irresponsible drinking takes away that very life itself. Many alcohol addicts have climbed back to normal life, proving that it is possible to live happily without alcohol. Help for alcoholics is available, free, at Alcoholics Anonymous.
Ep10:Untouchability - Dignity for All
For a country which has been independent for 65 years, it is a matter of shame that we have not yet shaken off the tyranny of caste-based discrimination. Countless people have to live in degrading conditions, children are unable to go to school, employment avenues are closed, and even education does not open bigoted minds.
Ep11:Old Age -- Sunset Years, Sunshine Life
Our parents are the ones who have brought us up and made us what we are. At least out of consideration for that much, we should be good and kind towards them. But countless people all over India don't think so, going by the numbers of abandoned old people taken in at old age homes. Then there are some older people who take matters into their own hands -- be it romance or adventure sport.
[satyamev jayate」意为“真理战胜一切",这句话写在印度国徽上,是印度的座右铭。宝莱坞电影巨星阿米尔汗历时两年,打造出这一关注社会、贴近民众、深层次揭露社会问题的节目。他采访不同阶层印度人的真实故事,大胆曝光印度社会种种弊病,力图以残酷真相打动和唤醒大众,进 而努力改变现状、治愈丑陋伤疤。
Episode 1: Fighting Rape 对抗强暴
The first episode of Satyamev Jayate Season 2, telecast on March 2, 2014, dealt with the issue of rape and underlined several systemic factors that act as roadblocks on the path to justice for survivors.
The Vote for Change campaign for this episode centred around three focal points:
The setting up of One-Stop Crisis Centres in every district of India as per the guidelines recommended by the Justice Usha Mehra Commission.
The creation of Vulnerable Witness Deposition Courtrooms across the country.
A gender-sensitive, scientific and humane protocol for the medical examination of survivors of rape, to be uniformly implemented across the country.
Episode 2: Police 警察
On March 9, 2014, the second episode was telecast and it dealt with the need for reforms in the police. In 21st century India, the system of policing is still by and large within the framework of the 1861 Police Act introduced during the colonial British Raj. The police continues to be a ruler’s police rather than a people’s police.
The Vote for Change campaign for this episode urged citizens to support the demand that the 2006 judgment of the Supreme Court in the case filed by former DGP, UP, Shri Prakash Singh be implemented and a people-friendly police force be created.
Episode 3: Don’t Waste Your Garbage 不要看浪费你的垃圾
The third episode of Satyamev Jayate, telecast on March 16, 2014, dealt with one of the most shameful problems persisting in our cities and towns, viz: garbage and the scandalous state of solid waste management.
The Vote for Change campaign for this episode called upon people to support the demand that incinerator technology for burning waste be opposed and that state governments and union territories work towards implementing the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000.
Episode 4: Kings Every Day 我自君王,每日
Telecast on March 23, 2014, the fourth episode dealt with the need for strengthening grassroots democracy and in particular, highlighted important measures to help fight corruption and increase public participation in governance.
The Vote for Change campaign for this episode urged citizens to lend their support to the demand for social audits of the government’s expenditure on social welfare, and the passing of the Public Services Grievances Bill which will help ensure that essential services are delivered in a time-bound manner to citizens.
Episode 5: Criminalization of Politics 政策犯罪
Satyamev Jayate’s fifth episode, telecast on March 30 2014, dealt with the rampant criminalization of politics in our country.
The Vote for Change campaign for this episode called upon people to support the demand that the proposal of the Election Commission to debar candidates with serious criminal charges (with appropriate safeguards) is brought into effect and such candidates are not allowed to contest elections.
Just came out of my meeting with Honorable Prime Minister of India Shree Narendra Modiji. Was very kind of him to spare his valuable time.
— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014
Shared with him the overwhelming support that we got from people across the country through Vote for Change Campaign...
— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014
..on SMJ on the various issues that we tackled in our show. He has assured me that he will look into all the matters pic.twitter.com/AI7e8cX9Bn
— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014
本剧引入了“客串主角”的概念,即每季一个女主以外的新主角。第一季的Callum Turner不会回归。
新季将再次质疑眼见是否一定为实。英国正遭受围攻:被黑客攻击的新闻动态推送、被操纵的媒体,以及政治中出现的干涉。在英国「校正」部门站稳脚跟的Rachel Carey高级督察,发现自己正处于一场新的阴谋之中,面临着一个新的目标。可是,当她甚至不能信任自己最亲近的同事时,又要如何解决这起案件呢?
Holliday Grainger回归饰演女主角Rachel Carey高级督察。Paapa Essiedu(《我可以毁掉你》)饰演新客串男主Isaac Turner议员,一位年轻的后起之秀政客,有志于最高层职位。
In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.
当士兵肖恩埃默里(特纳)在阿富汗谋杀的罪名被推翻,因为有缺陷的视频证据,他作为一个自由人和他的小女儿返回生活。但当伦敦一个夜晚的闭路电视镜头曝光时,肖恩的生活发生了令人震惊的转折,他必须很快再次为自由而战。随着新晋升的迪雷切尔凯里(格雷格)起草调查肖恩的案件,她很快了解到,真相有时可能是一个角度的问题。她应该信任肖恩·埃默里吗?这次抓捕是一部由六部分组成的惊悚片,讲述了一个令人不安的假新闻世界和情报部门的非凡能力。在这个“后真理时代”,我们真的能相信我们所看到的吗?这部影片由英国电影自由贸易协会(bafta)获奖电影制作人本•查南(ben chanan)执导,全盛时期电视台(heyday television)和nbc环球影城(nbc universal international studios)为bbc制作。
MELTDOWN: THREE MILE ISLAND tackles the near catastrophe at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant and the whistleblower who spoke up to protect the community. Insiders recount the events, controversies and lingering effects of the worst nuclear incident in U.S. history.
When their mother is hospitalized in a car accident, Pim and Putt suddenly discover that they have a set of grandparents they've never known about. But a terrifying truth has long been hidden within the walls of their grandparents’ house, a truth that gradually reveals itself to Pim and Putt through a mystical hole, unleashing hair-raising horror on their family.
律师康芷欣(杨怡 饰)出身法律世家,做事重原则、敢言敢行。而在同一间事务所的另一位大状刘思杰( 陈展鹏 饰)却是截然不同的作风,做事不拘小节,有时为了伸张正义,甚至不惜踩线。刘思杰的好友卓少谦(黄浩然 饰)家庭富有,为人重义气,做事散漫,做律师的初衷不过是为了一个光鲜的职业。还有正义憨厚的韦文瀚(阮兆祥 饰)、不谙世事的见习律师潘巧如(唐诗咏 饰)、精灵事故的事务律师毛敬业(黎诺懿 饰)……这些来自不同阶层的人在一起,遇到许多棘手的案件——弑父案、强奸案、杀警案、买凶案等,真相是什么?是不是真有非黑即白的世界?
律师康芷欣(杨怡 饰)出身法律世家,做事重原则、敢言敢行。而在同一间事务所的另一位大状刘思杰( 陈展鹏 饰)却是截然不同的作风,做事不拘小节,有时为了伸张正义,甚至不惜踩线。刘思杰的好友卓少谦(黄浩然 饰)家庭富有,为人重义气,做事散漫,做律师的初衷不过是为了一个光鲜的职业。还有正义憨厚的韦文瀚(阮兆祥 饰)、不谙世事的见习律师潘巧如(唐诗咏 饰)、精灵事故的事务律师毛敬业(黎诺懿 饰)……这些来自不同阶层的人在一起,遇到许多棘手的案件——弑父案、强奸案、杀警案、买凶案等,真相是什么?是不是真有非黑即白的世界?
麦克(加布里埃尔·巴索 Gabriel Basso 饰)是一名17岁的少年,他被控告谋杀了自己的父亲。所有证据都表明麦克确实犯下了不可饶恕的罪行,行凶的刀上检测到了他的指纹,更糟的是,麦克似乎并无意于为自己发声,从逮捕到临近开庭,他一言未发。
理查德(基努·里维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰)是负责为麦克辩护的律师,法庭上所有的一切都对他的辩护非常不利。然而,理查德的直觉告诉他,麦克并不是杀人凶手,一切的背后定有隐情。于是,他找来了同行珍妮(古古·姆巴塔-劳 Gugu Mbatha-Raw 饰)做帮手,两人决定重新彻查此案,不放过任何的蛛丝马迹。